Millipede : Giant Pink Foot ( Narceus americanus )



Narceus americanus, commonly known as the American giant millipede or iron worm, is a large millipede species found in North America. Here are some key points about this species:

Physical Description

  • Size: It can grow to a length of up to 10 cm (about 4 inches) or more.
  • Color: Generally, they have a dark, cylindrical body with red or yellowish banding or segments.
  • Segments: Like other millipedes, they have a segmented body with two pairs of legs per segment.


  • Location: Narceus americanus is typically found in the eastern United States and parts of Canada.
  • Environment: They prefer moist, decaying leaf litter and soil in forests and wooded areas, often hiding under logs, rocks, and other debris.

Behavior and Diet

  • Diet: They are detritivores, meaning they feed on decomposing organic matter, which helps recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem.
  • Behavior: These millipedes are generally nocturnal, coming out at night to feed. When threatened, they may curl into a tight spiral to protect their vulnerable underside.

Defense Mechanisms

  • Chemical Defense: Narceus americanus can secrete a foul-smelling fluid from their sides to deter predators. This fluid can be irritating to the skin and eyes.


  • Mating: Mating usually occurs in the spring and summer. The female lays eggs in the soil, and the larvae go through several molts before reaching adulthood.