Guppy: Blue Variegated Delta ( Female )


12 in stock

SKU: 317562E Category:


derate to hard water conditions with plenty of plants and open swimming space. As social fish, they should be kept in groups of three or more females or in a proper male-to-female ratio (1:2) if housing with males. They are compatible with Tetras, Mollies, Platies, Corydoras, Swordtails, and other peaceful community fish.

Diet & Feeding:

As omnivores, Blue Variegated Delta Guppies require a varied diet that includes high-quality flakes, micro pellets, frozen or live foods (such as brine shrimp and daphnia), and occasional vegetable matter like spirulina or blanched zucchini. A nutrient-rich diet enhances their vibrant colors and overall health.

Why Choose the Blue Variegated Delta Guppy (Female)?

✔️ Unique variegated blue coloration and flowing delta tail

✔️ Peaceful and social, great for community tanks

✔️ Easy to care for and hardy, ideal for beginners

✔️ Livebearer species, perfect for breeding projects

A beautiful and lively addition to planted or peaceful community aquariums, the Blue Variegated Delta Guppy (Female) adds both elegance and activity to your tank. With proper care, these guppies can live up to 2–3 years, providing endless enjoyment.


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