Tetra : Blushing Longfin White Skirt


8 in stock

SKU: 370066W Category:


The Blushing Longfin White Skirt Tetra is a graceful and captivating freshwater fish, recognized for its translucent body and delicate, flowing fins. Its “blushing” feature refers to the subtle pink or red hue near its gills, which adds a soft touch of color to its otherwise white appearance. The long, elegant fins make this tetra a standout in any aquarium, especially when kept in schools where their movements create a stunning visual display. Peaceful and hardy, the Blushing Longfin White Skirt Tetra is ideal for community tanks and thrives in a well-planted environment with stable water conditions. This low-maintenance fish is perfect for both beginners and experienced aquarists looking to add a touch of elegance to their aquarium.


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